Copy Reports, Financial Statements & Letter Templates

How do I

Use this to copy reports, financial statements, or letter templates from a different company into the currently open company. This window contains the following fields and button:

Select a Company to Copy From: Enter the name of the source company directory name from which you want to copy the report, financial statement, or letter template. OR use the Browse button to search for and select the appropriate company. When you click the button, the Select Company to Copy From window appears, letting you find and select this company.

Report or Financial Statement to Copy: Use the drop-down list to select the report area, such as Accounts Receivable, from which to select the document or template you want to copy. The All Reports, Statements and Templates option, which is the default, will list all available documents and templates.

New Name: Enter the new name you want to assign to the document or template you are copying. The default will be the original document or template name—for example, Account Register. You can change this name as desired.

New Description: Enter a new description for the document or template you are copying to the open company. The default will be the original document or template description. You can change this as desired.

Include Standard Financial Statements: Check the box to choose from custom and standard financial statements in the report selection list. Leave the box unchecked if you want to choose from custom financial statements only.

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