Determine the Quantity of Inventory Items on Hand

How Do I...

Use any of these procedures to determine the number of items currently in stock for items according to Sage 50.

  • To determine the current quantity on hand of a single stock or assembly item, click the Inventory Items navigation aid on the Inventory & Services Navigation Center and select View and Edit Inventory Item. On the Inventory List, select the stock or assembly item ID you want to look up and click Open. You can see the current quantity on hand on the General tab of the Maintain Inventory Items window.
  • To determine the current quantity on hand while purchasing or selling stock or assembly items, use the item ID lookup list in the task window.

Note: The quantity on hand displayed above is calculated as the total items purchased that have not been sold as of the end of the current period. This does not include any quantities ordered but not received.

  • To determine which inventory items are currently below minimum stock levels, display or print the Inventory Reorder Worksheet. You can determine daily quantity on hand amounts and items that are currently on backorder with this report. This report can be used to assist in reordering and adjusting quantities of stock and assembly items. Minimum stock levels are set up in Maintain Inventory Items.
  • To determine the current quantity on hand and status of all your stock and assembly items for the current period, display or print the Inventory Stock Status report.
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