Receipt (Apply to Invoice) Fields (QuickBooks Conversion)

The following table outlines which QuickBooks data items are converted to Sage 50 and which are not.

QuickBooks Field Sage 50 Field


Deposit Ticket ID

Converted via deposit ticket transactions.

Received From

Customer ID

Sage 50 will convert the first 20 characters of the Received From field. If it is associated with a job, Sage 50 will separate the job portion before importing the customer ID.


Not converted


Not converted


Receipt Amount


Not converted



Reference #


Receipt Number

Deposit To

Customer Balance

Calculated field – not converted

Pmt Method

Payment Method



Memo is converted to an Internal Note in Sage 50. Only the first 2000 characters will be converted.

*Cash Account

Cash Account Balance

Calculated field – not converted

Date (invoice)

Not converted


Not converted



Date Due

This column is not displayed on the QB Customer Payment window. If the information is stored with the invoice we can populate this field in PT during the conversion.

Orig. Amt.

Not converted

Disc Date

Not converted

Amt. Due

Amount Due


Not converted




Amount Paid

Checkmark to mark as paid

Pay checkbox

Both grids include a column that allows the user to select an invoice to pay. This selection of an invoice will be converted directly.

Discount Account

Discount Account (not a grid column in PT)

In QuickBooks, discounts can be allocated by line item. This allows QuickBooks users to allocate discounts for different line items to different discount accounts. In Sage 50, only one discount account can be used even when multiple invoices are being paid on the same receipt. When the conversion discovers multiple discount accounts within the same receipt, a separate receipt will be created for each invoice being paid and the correct discount account will be converted in Sage 50. The invoices created will be assigned a reference number that includes the original reference number + -nn.

Credit Memo applied to invoice

In both Sage 50 and QuickBooks, a credit memo can be applied to an invoice. In both instances, the user can determine the amount of the credit to be with the receipt. When converted to Sage 50, the credit memo will show as a line item on the Apply to invoices tab. The amount in the Amount Paid column with show as a negative for the credit memo.

Select Credit

Pay (checkbox)

Both grids include a column that allows the user to select an invoice to pay. This selection of an invoice will be converted directly.


Not converted

Date Due

This column is not displayed on the QB Customer Payment window. If the information is stored with the invoice in QB we can populate this field in PT during the conversion.

Credit No


Credit Amt.

Amount Due


Not converted


Not converted

Amount to Use

Amount Paid

Credit Balance

Calculated field. Not converted.

Amount Due

Calculated field – not converted


Calculated field – not converted

Discounts and Credits Applied

Calculated field – not converted

Available Credits

Calculated field – not converted

Credit Card Information

Received From

Cardholder’s Name

Converted from Received from field if Card No. field is populated

Billing Address





Not converted


Converted from date field


Converted from amount field

Card No.

Credit Card Number

Not converted.

Exp. Date

Expiration Date

Not converted

Verification Number

Not converted

Authorization Code

Not converted

*QuickBooks allows you to use Undeposited Funds as a default account for Receipts. Then, when a deposit is made in QuickBooks, amounts go from Undeposited Funds to the correct cash account. The Sage 50 conversion brings over the Receipt into Sage 50 with a Cash account of Undeposited Funds. To get the general ledger in balance during the conversion, a general journal entry is made to move the amount from Undeposited Funds to the appropriate cash account.