Reset Direct Deposit Account

When your company pre-note has been approved, a Reset button appears on the Direct Deposit window. The Reset option lets you change company direct deposit account information. If you click Reset, Sage 50 shows a message asking you to confirm that you want to change the information. If you answer yes, the Reset Account window appears.

Important! If you reset account information, approval of the change could take six full banking business days after you sync the change of account information. During the approval process, you cannot create and sync a direct deposit payroll. The only possible way to speed the process is to contact the Treasury and ask if they can intervene to get approval moving faster. Failing that, you have to wait the full six days.

Therefore, if you must change your company direct deposit account information, we recommend that you change it after you have synced a direct deposit payroll. This way, the wait for change approval will be less likely to make your next direct deposit payroll late.

To reset your direct deposit account

  1. From the Maintain Menu, select Company Information.
  2. In the Maintain Company Information window, click the Direct Deposit Settings link.
  3. Click Reset.
  4. Type "Yes" in the text box.

    Note: This field is not case sensitive (Yes=yes=YES).

  5. Click OK.