Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Select Tickets to Write Up/Down

You can choose to write up or down time and expense tickets. This gives you the ability to bill your customers above or below cost. You can write up or down each individual line item on the Apply Tickets/Reimbursable Expenses window by manually changing each invoice amount. However, the Write Up/Down option provides a more efficient method for writing up or down a group of line items based on criteria you selected.

To access this window, in the Apply Tickets/Reimbursable Expenses window, click the Write Up button.

In this window, you can do the following:

  • specify which items to write up (all items, by job, by item, or date range)
  • write up a line item by an amount
  • write up a line item by a percent

If you later want to remove the write up/down amount, select the ticket in the Apply Tickets/Reimbursable Expenses window; then select the Remove Write Up button. Selecting this button removes the write-up invoice amount for the item selected, replacing it with the original billing amount or cost.