Track Customer Drop Shipments from Vendors

Sage 50 allows you to track drop shipments, orders you place with your vendor that are shipped directly to your customers. Typically you enter the sale first, followed by the purchase. Tell me more about the drop-ship process.

Enter the Sale

  1. From the Tasks menu, select either Sales Orders or Sales/Invoicing, depending on whether you are entering a sales order or a sales invoice.
  2. In either the Sales/Invoicing or Sales Orders window, select the Drop Ship check box.
  3. To change the shipping address, open the Ship to Address 1 drop-down list, and select the appropriate ship to address for the customer. You can also edit the shipping information in the Name and Address fields.
  4. Save the transaction and note the sales invoice or sales order number.

Enter the Purchase

  1. From the Tasks menu, select either Purchase Orders or Purchases, depending on whether you are entering a purchase order or a purchase.
  2. In either the Purchase Orders or Purchases window, select the Drop Ship check box.
  3. From the Customer ID drop-down list, select the ID of the customer to whom you are shipping the order.
  4. The customer's shipping information appears in the Name and Address fields.

  5. To change the shipping address, open the Ship to Address 1 drop-down list, and select the appropriate ship to address for the customer. You can also edit the shipping information in the Name and Address fields.
  6. Do one of the following:g:
    • If you have entered an invoice for this customer already, you can enter the invoice information in the Invoice # field.
    • Enter a sales order number if you have not yet invoiced this customer. The field can help you track drop shipments when running reports.
  7. Save the transaction and note the purchase invoice or purchase order number.