Print a Receipt

You cannot print receipts in a batch from the Select a Report or Form window; instead, you must print receipts one at a time from the Receive Money window by selecting the Print button. This process both prints and saves the receipt.

You print receipts on preprinted forms that are designed to fit all receipt data into three sections. The receipt form is called “Multi-Purpose 2 Stub Receipt” because it contains two stubs, the top one the merchant’s copy and the bottom one the customer’s copy. Both these stubs include information taken from the Receive Money window, such as item, price, quantity, and amount. In addition, the customer’s copy stub includes your company name and phone number.

Between the two stubs is the face of the receipt, which contains non-detail information, such as subtotal, sales tax, and grand total. In addition, using Sage 50 Forms Design, you can redesign the Multi-Purpose 2 Stub Receipt form so that the face includes a credit card signature form or merchandise received signature form that you can use in the case of credit card disputes with a customer or to balance your receipt totals.

  • For more information on redesigning standard forms, see Forms Design.
  • For specific information on redesigning the receipt to include a credit card signature form, see Add a Credit Card Signature Form to a Receipt.

You can print receipts that have not previously been printed, or you can reprint previously printed receipts. Be sure you have entered something in the Check/Reference No. field before you print.