Account Aging (Customer Defaults)

To set up how sales invoices are aged and what aging brackets will be used for accounts receivable, click the Customers navigation aid, then select Set Up Customer Defaults. On the Customer Defaults window, select the Account Aging tab.

Age Invoices By

Choose either Invoice Date or Due Date. If you age by invoice date, this will show how old each customer invoice and balance is. If you age by Due Date, this will show how overdue each customer invoice is.

Many people choose to age customers by Invoice Date and vendors by Due Date.

Aging Categories

Use this to set the ranges of days and the column headings for the Aged Receivables report and the Collection Manager. The columns print from left to right starting with the 1st column. The # of Days field can be either the number of days beyond the invoice date or beyond the due date, depending on what you enter in the Age Invoices By field.

For example, entering 30 for the 1st column would display all current invoices 30 days late. Entering 60 for the 2nd column would display all invoices that are between 31 and 60 days overdue. Entering 90 in the 3rd column displays all invoices that are more than between 61 and 90 days overdue. The fourth column will show all invoices that are more than 91 days overdue.