Related Transactions Window (Sales)

This window shows you transactions that are related to the one you were just viewing. For sales, this will include:

  • Quotes
  • Sales Orders
  • Sales Invoices
  • Proposals (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and above)
  • Purchase Orders created automatically (Sales Order Related Transaction list only)
  • Note: This does not apply to sales orders and auto-created purchase orders that were entered prior to conversion to Release 2010.

  • Receipts
  • Credit Memos

Which transactions appear will depend on which window you started from. The display is limited to one level. Consider the following scenario. A quote is created; then it is converted to a sales order; and then it is applied to a sales invoice, which is paid by a receipt. The Related Transactions window for the sales order will show the quote and the sales invoice; the Related Transactions window for the sales invoice will show the sales order and the receipt.

Note: The View Related Transactions link is not available on the Receive Money window. If there are no related transactions, the View Related Transactions link will not appear.

From this window, you can: