Inventory Stock Status Report

The Inventory Stock Status report displays the quantity-on-hand, minimum stocking level, and reorder quantity for all inventory items.


Click the Options button to determine the data criteria for the reports you want to see or print. For this report Sage 50 displays the following filter options:

  • Date: Select the current period or any of the open periods.
  • Sort by: You can sort by item ID or description.
  • Select a filter: First, select a filter on the left. Then, define the options for that filter on the right. The options differ based on the filter selected. Tell me more about the types of filter options.
  • Shorten Description: This shortens the description of the item to the width of the column.
  • Include items with no quantity on hand: Select this check box if you want items with no quantity on hand included in the report. Clear this check box to exclude these items from the report.

Note: You can filter this report by custom fields for inventory items.