Drill Down to Detail (Internal Accounting Review)

You can display and edit transaction detail in the Internal Accounting Review. Clicking a transaction that meets the IAR check criteria displays the original transaction in its respective task window. This is called "drilling down." You can modify the transaction (if allowed), save or post the new transaction, and return to the Internal Accounting Review window.

  1. Move your mouse pointer over the transaction you want to see detail for.

    When you move the cursor over transaction lines, the cursor changes from an arrow to a hand.

  2. Click the transaction to display the original transaction in its respective task window. You can choose to view or modify the transaction here.
  3. If you edit the transaction, select Save. Then, close the task window.

    When you close the respective task window, Sage 50 displays the Internal Accounting Review window once again.

    Note: If you modified the transaction you drilled down to, click the Refresh button, in the upper left and corner of the window, to update the Internal Accounting Review information.