Transaction Detail by Status Report

The Transaction Detail by Status Report lets you request a report showing transactional detail including tracking status and assignee for any transaction type that you track in Sage 50. If you don't specify a transaction type in Report Options, then all types of transactions are shown.


Click Options to determine the data that appears on the report. For this report Sage 50 displays the following options:

  • Dates: You can choose all, range, today, this period, this month, this quarter, or week-, month-, quarter-, or year-to-date. Select Range to specify a beginning and ending date.

Warning! If you choose a date range that contains purged transactions, the information on the report may not be correct. Purged transactions can only exist in closed years.

  • Sorting: You can sort by date, transaction type, reference number, ID, name, or amount.
  • Summarize report: Select this check box to print the report in summary rather than detail format. Summary format includes totals for the transactions on the report but without transaction detail.
  • Sort ascending: Check this box to have the sort criteria that you chose go from lowest to highest.
  • Select a filter: First, select a filter on the left. Then, define the options for that filter on the right. The options differ based on the filter selected. Tell me more about the types of filter options.
  • Include number of transactions: Select this if you want to see the number of listed transactions appear at the bottom of the report.

Note: If you open this report from the Transactions by Tracking Status dashboard section by clicking on a status of <None> for either Payments or Write Checks transactions, both Payments and Write Checks will appear in the report. This is because Write Checks are a form of Payment and Sage 50 is unable to differentiate between the two when they do not have tracking statuses assigned to them.