Job Field

If you are tracking job cost, select the job ID (if the job uses them) to which this line item applies. To display a list of existing jobs, click the folder button or type ? in this field. Tell me more about selecting job records.

From the Proposals window, you will see only jobs that have a Billing Method of Percent of Proposal or No Progress Billing. Moreover, if you have already billed or partially billed this line item, you will not be able to edit the job information on this line item.

To use job costing to its greatest potential, you should try to assign transactions to the most detailed level of the job possible (which can include job phases and costs codes). (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)

Note: The Job ID field on the Apply to Proposal tab will be disabled if no job is selected for the line on the original proposal and it will be Read Only if there is a job applied to the line. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)