Invoice for Jobs

Entries that you make on either the Sales/Invoicing window or the Receive Money window can be automatically applied to Jobs. When you invoice a customer for a job or part of a job, you can apply each line item on the transaction to the specific job. If you only enter a receipt for a job and do not enter an invoice, you should specify a job and applicable phase or cost code (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher) for the receipt.

To invoice for a job, you need to:

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Sales/Invoicing.
  2. Enter or select the customer ID of the customer whom you want to invoice.
  3. If you plan to print this invoice, skip the Invoice # field, and do not enter an invoice number.
  4. In the Quantity field, enter the number of units for which you want to be paid, or use this field to enter the number of man-hours you want to record as billable.

    Note: You can select an inventory item or just enter a description. You should use the Item and/or Description fields for specifying the job details. You can also use the Quantity field for recording number of items or hours.

  5. Enter or select the job ID, if applicable, for each line item on the invoice. To display a list of existing jobs, type ? in this field, or select the Lookup button.
  6. If this customer is associated with a job and you have entered related job expense transactions, you can apply reimbursable expenses to the invoices. Tell me more about applying reimbursable expenses.
  7. When the invoice is complete, click Print or Save.