Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.

Set Up a Unit/Measure (U/M)

Follow the steps below to set up a new unit/measure.

  1. From the Maintain menu, select Units/Measures. The Maintain Units/Measures window appears.
  2. In the U/M ID field, type an ID code for this unit of measure. For example, if you are creating a unit/measure for a box of 10 items, you might enter BX-010 as the ID. When you are creating the U/M ID, we suggest that your code helps describe the unit/measure. This will be helpful when you use the unit/measure on purchases, invoices, and so on. An ID can be created from the Description you enter, provided that option is selected in Maintain Global Options.
  3. In the Description field, type a short description of the unit/measure. For example, you might enter Box of 10 as the description.
  4. In the Number of Stocking Units field, enter the number of stocking units that make up this unit/measure. The stocking unit is the Stocking U/M that was set up for each inventory item in the Maintain Inventory Items window.
  5. When you have finished, click Save to save the unit/measure.