Create a New Company - Posting Method

The posting method determines how Sage 50 processes transactions to journals and the general ledger.

  1. Start Create a New Company, and make sure the Posting Method window is displayed.
  2. Choose the posting method you want to use when processing transactions:

    Real-Time Posting: Transactions are posted to the journals and the general ledger as they are entered and saved.

    Batch Posting: Transactions are saved by the program and then posted in a group. When you use batch posting, you can print registers and check the batch of transactions before posting them to the journals.

    SmartPosting: Transactions are saved by the program and then automatically posted by the SmartPosting service. This posting method helps improve performance by allowing you to save transactions without waiting for them to post. Unlike batch posting where you have to manually post transactions, the posting happens automatically when you use SmartPosting. In a network environment, you can use a separate computer to post the transactions.

    You can switch posting methods at any time.

  3. To continue setting up your company, click Next. Sage 50 displays the Create a New Company - Accounting Periods window.