Sage 50 Setup Guide

The Sage 50 Setup Guide is designed to walk you through the process of setting up company default information, data records (such as employee, vendor, and customer records), and beginning balances. It helps you complete all needed phases of your company setup process.

Using the Guide

The Setup Guide has a total of seven sections that are available from an overview page. These pages tell you how to set up your company's

  • customers
  • jobs
  • vendors
  • inventory and service items
  • employees
  • chart of accounts
  • user security

We recommend that you start with customers and proceed in the order listed above (and as listed on the overview page). But you can skip a section (or more) if you don't really use it in your business.

Each section in the Setup Guide is made up of a series of pages that let you enter the following:

  • Default information is common information. For example, if you set up customer defaults, the defaults you choose will be in force for all customers serviced by your company.
  • Data records store information that is pertinent to your company's chart of accounts and to each of your company's customers, vendors, employees, inventory items, and jobs.
  • Beginning balances represent outstanding customer or vendor invoices, outstanding earnings and deductions for employees/sales reps, outstanding invoices and payments for jobs, and the quantity and cost of inventory items currently on hand.

For example, in the Customers section of the Setup Guide, there are pages that let you set up customer records, beginning balances, default information, sales taxes, and statement/invoice defaults. Once you complete a page, you just click the Next button to go on to the following page; you can use the Back button to return to a page if needed.

The Setup Guide is designed to make entering information and setting up records easy, but it's a good idea to do a little planning. So before you start, you should assemble some basic information required for setting up each area of Sage 50. To see the kind of information we're talking about, click the links below.