Pay Types

Hourly and salary pay level names are set up in the Payroll Settings wizard, in the Company Information area. You can distribute gross pay to employees using up to 20 pay levels per pay period, each with respective default G/L accounts.

You can use an unlimited number of new pay types to distribute gross pay to employees , each with respective default G/L accounts.

Note: You can only use 20 pay types per pay period.

Hourly Pay Levels

The default hourly pay levels are Regular, Overtime, and Special. You can rename hourly pay level fields to meet your company's needs. For example, include pay levels for specific functions: dishwasher, cook, server, and so on. You can use an unlimited number of pay levels; however, you can only use 20 hourly pay levels per pay period.

Salary Pay Levels

Each salary pay level field is initially named Salary. You could rename the second and third salary pay levels Bonus and Commission. Or, you could rename the fields to be different departments. For example, include salary pay levels for employees who work for more than one department. You can use an unlimited number of pay levels; however, you can only use 20 salary pay levels per pay period.

G/L Account

Enter the general ledger account to which you want gross payment to be distributed. If a pay level is to be used, you must enter a corresponding G/L account. To display a list of existing accounts, type ? in the G/L Account ID field or select the Lookup button. To add a new account, type + or double-click the field, which displays the Maintain Chart of Accounts window.