Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar appears at the left side of the Sage 50 main window and offers access to "pages" called Navigation Centers. They provide information about and access to Sage 50.

When you click the section representing one of these Navigation Centers, the panel to the right of the Navigation Bar displays information related to that area of the program.

  • My Dashboard (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)
  • Business Status (Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)
  • Customers & Sales displays information and access points related to your company's customers. Learn more.
  • Vendors & Purchases displays information and access points related to your company's vendors. Learn more.
  • Inventory & Services displays information and access points related to your company's inventory items. Learn more.
  • Employees & Payroll displays information and access points related to your company's employees. Learn more.
  • Jobs has two tabs that display information and access points related to your company's jobs. Learn more. (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)
  • Banking displays information and access points related to your company's dealings with its financial institution. Learn more.
  • Apps & Services provides quick access to the integrated cloud and mobile offerings that are included with Sage 50cloud.
  • System displays sections with access points to functions that help you maintain your company data and keep your system up to date and functioning properly. Learn more.

Click Refresh to update the company data that currently appears in the main Sage 50 window. If you're working in a network environment, this might mean that you'll see changes made by another Sage 50 user or users working in the system.

You may have to wait a moment for the information to appear; Sage 50 will automatically refresh a Navigation Center whenever you select it.

Note: If you have selected Update the Business Status and Navigation Centers only when the Refresh button is clicked in Global Options, Sage 50 will not automatically refresh the Navigation Center. You need to click Refresh to update the information.

The information and access points you see in the Navigation Center are controlled by your user security settings. Depending on these settings, you may see more or fewer features in the Navigation Centers than other Sage 50 users. For a better understanding of security settings and how they affect your access to parts of Sage 50, see your administrator.

Note: If you're the administrator for Sage 50 security, you can decide what sections of the Navigation Center a user can view and/or work with. Tell me more about limiting access to the Navigation Centers.

SmartPosting Status Indicator: If you are using SmartPosting, you will see a status indicator below the Shortcuts letting you know if SmartPosting is running, stopping, stopped, or stopped due to an error. If you are not using SmartPosting, you will see an Activate SmartPosting link which will take you to the Maintain Company Information screen where you can select to use the SmartPosting posting method. Tell me more about SmartPosting. (Sage 50 Quantum Accounting)