Create a Letter from a Maintenance Window

You can create a letter from a Maintain window for the current open record. You can also create a brand new template, copy an existing template, or create a template from an existing Word document using the Create a Letter Template Creation Wizard, located on the Select a Report or Form window.

Note: Before you begin, make sure you have letter templates set up. The sample templates provided can only be used if they are first edited, and Sage 50 fields are added.

To create a letter from an open record:

  1. Click the Letters button on the toolbar.
    A Write Letters dialog appears.
  2. Select a template from the list.
  3. Select the Word button if you want to create a letter using the selected template. Or, select Email if you want to create an email letter. The data from the record is merged with the template fields. The specific data used from the record depends on what type of fields are in the template.
    If you chose Word, your letter appears in Word where you can print or edit it. If you chose Email, an email message is sent with your letter included in the message content using the selected template's email formatting.

Before emailing your letters, you may want to test the letter using Word first and see how it looks.

Note: You need to have a default email program set up before you can send a letter by email.