Restore Company Data Files

To restore company data, you must replace all the current data files with those that have been previously backed up. You cannot restore individual files because all files are related to one another.

If you backed up company data using Sage 50's backup utility, follow the steps below to restore your data. If you backed up company data using an alternate utility, you must use that program to restore your company data.

Warning! When you restore company data, you will overwrite your existing company unless you select to restore into a new company. You should make a backup of your current company before restoring your data, in case anything goes wrong.

  1. From the File menu, select Restore. Sage 50 displays the Open Backup File window.

    Note: You can also access Restore from the System Navigation Center.

  2. Enter or select the company backup file from where your Sage 50 backup file is located. You can enter a path or click Browse to search for the company location. Sage 50 backup files use the *.ptb file extension. Click Next to continue.
  3. You can restore to an existing company already set up on your computer or create a new company to restore to. If you select an existing company, you can browse to that company's location. Click Next after selecting.
  4. The Restore Options window lets you select which elements to restore.
    • To restore all backed-up data files for the company, select the Company Data check box.
    • To restore all backed-up custom forms, such as customized invoices, select the Customized Forms check box.
    • To restore all Web transactions in the Sage 50 Web Transaction Center, select the Web Transactions check box. All unprocessed Web transactions (those listed in the Inbox list and Exceptions list) that were synchronized using the WebSync wizard after the date of the backup will be lost.
  5. Select the options you want and click Next.
  6. The Confirmation window lets you review your choices before beginning the Restore.
  7. Warning! Restoring is a potentially dangerous process; you will overwrite your existing data files, so make sure you have a current backup before proceeding.

  8. When you're sure everything is correct, select Finish.
  9. During the restore process, Sage 50 displays a progress indicator.

    Note: Depending on the quantity of data, the restoration process may take a while to complete. Be patient and do not interrupt the process. If you interrupt the restoration process, you might damage the data.