Custom Dictionaries (Window)

The Custom Dictionaries window contains the following fields and buttons:

  • Words: The Words field is where you can enter new words to the currently selected dictionary. The list below the Words field displays the words that have already been added to this dictionary.
  • Action: Used to select an action that is associated with words in the dictionary. The action tells Spell Check what to do when it finds a word in the dictionary. Get detailed descriptions of the available actions.
  • Other word: Contains an alternate word associated with the currently selected word. The other word is used in the "Auto change" and "Conditionally change" actions to supply a replacement word. You can enter more than one word in the Other word field, but the total length should be limited to 63 characters.
  • Add Word: Adds the word entered in the Words field to the currently selected dictionary. The currently selected choices in the Other word field and the Action list are associated with the word.

    Note: Add Word is only enabled when a new word is typed in the Words field. The words you add may contain virtually any character, but only words that contain embedded periods should have trailing periods. For example, “U.S.A.” is acceptable, but “USA.” is not.

  • Delete Word: Removes the word in the Words field from the currently selected dictionary. The associated choices in the Other word field and the Action list are also removed.
  • Import: Adds the words contained within a text file to the currently selected dictionary. When you click Import, the Import Dictionary window appears, where you can select the text file to be imported. Each word in the selected file is loaded into the dictionary. Keep in mind that importing a large list of words may take some time.
  • Export: Saves the contents of the currently selected dictionary to a text file. When you click Export, the Export Dictionary window appears, where you can select the name of the text file to which words in the dictionary will be exported. The words are written to the file one per line.
  • Files: Contains the list of open dictionary files. When you select a file from the list, its contents are displayed in the Words list.
  • Language: Displays the language (American English, Spanish, and so forth) of the words in the currently selected dictionary.
  • Add File: When you click Add File, the Add Dictionary File window appears, where you can select the dictionary file to open. The set of open dictionary files is remembered, so once you add a dictionary file you don't need to add it again. If you need to create a new custom dictionary, click New File.
  • New File: Creates a new custom dictionary file. When you click New File, the New Dictionary window appears, where you can specify attributes of the new dictionary. Tell me more about the New Dictionary window.
  • Remove File: Closes the currently selected dictionary file. Closed dictionaries are not checked during a spelling check. Although the file is closed, it is not deleted. Closed dictionary files can be reopened later by clicking Add File.
  • Close: Closes the Custom Dictionaries window.