Verify Data

Data Verification is a Sage 50 utility that allows you to verify if any of your data files are missing or possibly damaged. Always contact Sage 50 Customer Support before you use the Data Verification utility. A support analyst will instruct you on which test(s) to run.

Warning! It is vital that you back up your company before you run a Data Verification test; if the procedure is not successful, you could lose valuable data.

To Run Sage 50 Data Verification Tests

  1. Back up all of your company data. Get detailed instructions.
  2. Open your Sage 50 company.
  3. From the File menu, select Data Verification. Sage 50 displays the Data Verification window.
  4. The following are types of tests you can perform.

    Data Reliability: Verifies that all data files within your Sage 50 company are set up correctly and use the proper, required format. If errors are found, you will be instructed on what to do. In most cases, Sage 50 will attempt to correct data errors for you.

    Data Access: Verifies that your data path is valid and that Sage 50 can access all your data files successfully. For example, your data may be stored on a network. This test searches for all linked Sage 50 data files for the current open company.

    Both Tests (recommended): Performs both the Data Reliability and Data Access tests.

  5. Select both verify options (highly recommended).
  6. Click Start to begin the verification tests.
  7. The Verification Progress window appears. It has two progress meters that graphically display in real time the amount of the process that is complete.

    Note: The window has a Cancel button; it will be unavailable whenever Sage 50 encounters an error and tries to fix it.

    Important! While you have the option of canceling, we recommend that you do not interrupt a data verification test while it is in progress. If the procedure is not successful or your computer locks up during a test, you could lose valuable data.

    • If Sage 50 encounters any irresolvable errors during the tests, it will launch a message telling you what to do next.
    • Following a successful run of the tests, a window appears telling you that the process is complete. This window lets you review the data verification error log, which Sage 50 automatically generates during verification and places it in your company's data directory. The log lists all errors encountered during the tests, the start and finish times for the tests, and all changes made during verification, including any corrupt data records deleted.