Collection Selections

Click Select within the Collection Manager to display the Collection Selections window. You can choose to see aging information on one customer, a range of customers, or all customers.

Include Customers: You have the choice of selecting all or a range of customers. To select all, select the All option button. To select a range, enter the starting and ending customers in the From and To fields.

Type Mask: If you selected range, you can use a type mask. You set up the type mask for your customers in the Maintain Customers/Prospects window. When you enter the type mask, be sure to enter the mask as you typed it for your customers. Sage 50 is case sensitive. If you type NORTH as a type mask, customers with "North" or "north" type masks will not appear.

Include Balances: You can include all balances for customers or just those customers with balances that are greater than an amount or less than an amount.