Print an Invoice
When you enter customer invoices in Sage 50, you can leave the Invoice # field blank to have Sage 50 automatically assign invoice numbers to invoices when printed.
To print sales invoices, you can do any of the following:
- Print invoices one at a time from the Sales/Invoicing window by simply selecting the Print button. Printing from the Sales/Invoicing window both prints and saves the invoice.
- Print a batch of invoices in one session from the Sales/Invoicing window.
- Print a batch of invoices in one session from the Select a Report or Form window .

- From the Tasks menu, select Sales/Invoicing. Sage 50 displays the Sales/Invoicing window.
- Select the Print drop-down button and choose Select Invoices to Print from the menu. Sage 50 displays the Preview and Print filter window.
- When you print invoices, you can choose to print invoices that have not been printed, which are those invoices saved or posted in the Sales/Invoicing window without an invoice number, or you can choose to reprint previously printed invoices.
- Sage 50 displays the suggested first invoice number in the Number the first invoice field on the Preview and Print filter screen. You can change this if you want.
- Select Print/Email after you make your filter selections and then click OK on the Print dialog.
- When the invoices stop printing, Sage 50 displays
a message asking if the invoices printed correctly and if it's okay to
update the journal. Look carefully at your invoices before you answer
Yes to this question.
- When you answer Yes, Sage 50 records the Invoice numbers used on the forms into the Sales Journal.
- If you answer No, the Invoice numbers are left blank, and the invoices will be printed again during the next invoice run.

- From the Reports & Forms menu, select Forms, then Invoices and Packing Slips . Sage 50 displays the Select a Report or Form window.
- Select the form that best meets your needs from the Forms list and click the Preview and Print button which is located below the sample image of the form on the Select a Report or Form window.
- Sage 50 displays the suggested first invoice number in the Number the first invoice field on the Preview and Print filter screen. You can change this if you want.
- Select Print/Email after you make your filter selections and then click OK on the Print dialog.
- When the invoices stop printing, Sage 50 displays a message asking if the invoices printed correctly and if it's okay to update the journal. Look carefully at your invoices before you answer Yes to this question.
- When you answer Yes, Sage 50 records the Invoice numbers used on the forms into the Sales Journal.
- If you answer No, the Invoice numbers are left blank, and the invoices will be printed again during the next invoice run.
You can print invoices on plain paper, or you can print invoices on preprinted forms.
When you print invoices, you can choose to print invoices that have not been printed, which are those invoices saved or posted in the Sales/Invoicing window without an invoice number, or you can choose to reprint previously printed invoices.