Role Setup

This window lets you choose areas of the Sage 50 program to which users set up with certain roles will have access. A new role can be set up either from either of two places:

From the Sage 50 Users window:

  1. From the User Security window, select the Roles List tab. Tell me about the Roles List fields.
  2. Now, click New Role.

From the Sage 50 User Roles window:

  1. From the User Roles window, click New Roles.

In either case, you will next see the Sage 50 Role Setup window, where you can enter a role name and description, then choose the access levels that will define the role.

Setting up roles with access to areas of Sage 50

In Role Setup, you set up roles so that users with them can access certain areas of the Sage 50 program within the current company. Sage 50 program areas include the following:

For each area, the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the window lets you grant blanket access. For example, you can set up a role with either Full Access or No Access to the Customers & Sales area.

The left side of the window will tell you which access level you've chosen for that area.

Custom Access

In addition to full or no access, you can use the grid to set different levels of access for subareas such as maintenance, tasks, and reports. For example, in the Customers & Sales area, you can set up a role with limited access to maintenance areas such as Customer Information or Customer Beginning Balances.

When you set up a role with other than full or no access rights to an area, the left side of the window will read Custom Access.

Setting access levels: Drop-downs let you set different access levels for different subareas of the program-for example, Payments/Write Checks.

Tell me more about access levels.