Statement Print Options (Statement/Invoices Defaults)

You can define which customer accounts you want to print statements for and whether you want to print your company’s name and address on invoices and statements.

Activity and Balance Print Options

Whenever you print statements, you can print a range of customers. However, you may not want statements for customers with zero balances, credit balances, balances under a certain amount, or invoices barely overdue. Select any of the activity and balance print options. Each one is independent of the others. For example, you can select Balances at least and enter an amount. But if you also select Any activity, statements could be printed for customers with a zero balance if there was any activity in the account. The options do not affect each other.

Print statements for accounts with:

Note: If you do not select any of the above options and select Never for the Negative and Zero Balance options below, no statements will ever print, despite the customer range selected in reports.

The following print options describe zero and negative balance conditions.

Set Default Statement Type to:

Company Print Option

Print your company name, address, phone, and fax on invoices and statements: If you use invoice and statement forms with your company’s name and address already printed on them and you run out of forms, you can choose this option. Sage 50 will print this information on plain-paper versions of invoice and statement forms. When you receive a new supply of forms, you can change the option back.