Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Warning Messages On Create Broadcast Invoices Screen

Warning messages may appear in the grid where you select the customers that you want to use when creating sales transactions. These are the same messages that would appear if you were creating the invoices individually from the Sales/Invoicing screen. You should look carefully at any customers that have these warning messages before selecting to create sales transactions for them.

Inactive: This appears if the customer is inactive.

Over credit limit: This appears if the customer's balance is over the credit limit and you have selected "Notify Over Limit" as the Credit Status for this customer on the Maintain Customers screen.

Notify on invoicing:This appears if you have selected "Always Notify" as the Credit Status for this customer on the Maintain Customers window. You can change this warning message for individual customers by going to the Maintain Customers window > Payment & Credit tab. In the Terms and Credit section, select 'Customize terms for this customer.' You can also customize this warning message for all customers by going to the Customer & Sales Navigation center > Customers > Set Up Customer Defaults > Terms and Credit tab. When you select 'Notify Over Limit' as the Credit Status, a Message field will appear allowing you to enter a custom message.

Hold: This appears if you have selected "Always Hold" as the Credit Status for this customer on the Maintain Customers screen. You will not be able to create an invoice for this customer until you change the credit status.

Hold (over credit limit): This appears if the customer is over the credit limit and you have selected "Hold Over Limit" as the Credit Status for this customer on the Maintain Customers screen. You will not be able to create an invoice for this customer until the customer balance is below the credit limit or you change the credit status.