Reimbursable Expenses (Apply to Sales Invoices)

Reimbursable expenses are based on purchase and payroll transactions that are assigned to jobs. Before you can apply reimbursable expenses to a sales invoice, select a customer associated with a job in the Sales/Invoicing window. When you incur an expense for a job, enter a purchase and assign the job, phase, or cost code to each line item. This allows you to later write up and consolidate all your expenses on various jobs for a customer in a sales invoice. For example, you can enter all your expenses for all jobs in progress for a customer and invoice the customer at once for the net amount spent.

The toolbar at the top of the window contains the following buttons: Cancel, OK, Write Up, Remove Write Up, Use Select), Select (None), (Clear) Use, (Clear) Delete Expense, Detail, and Help.


Sort List By: You can sort the reimbursable expense transactions listed in this window using several different methods. This can be useful when consolidating expenses. Choose a sort method from the drop-down list.

Consolidate by: You can consolidate reimbursable expense transactions using several different methods:

Item: This displays the item ID (if indicated) for the line item from the original purchase.

Description: This displays the description from the original purchase. If you decide to use the reimbursable expense by selecting the Use check box, you can enter or change the description in the line item of the sales invoice. When you choose to consolidate items, no description will be listed on the invoice line item. However, a consolidated description can be entered manually.

Date: This displays the original transaction date. You cannot edit this field; it is for display purposes only.

Cost: This displays the original price of the transaction. You cannot edit this field; it is for display purposes only.

Invoice Amt.: This displays the amount you entered as the cost when you entered the transaction for the item or service. This amount will appear on the invoice if the reimbursable expense transaction is selected to be applied. You can change manually the amount if desired or write up the amount by selecting the Write Up button.

Note: For payroll entries, the default value will be the sum of the wages plus the labor burden amount. What is labor burden?

Use: Selecting this check box indicates the reimbursable expense is to be applied to the invoice. The expense will appear as an individual line item on the invoice, depending on the consolidation method selected. For example, if you sell furniture, you can pass on to the customer the costs of shipping the furniture from the factory to your store.

Del: Deletes the line item so that it will no longer appear in this window. The actual transaction will not be deleted.

Note: If you select to remove the reimbursable expense from use, the transaction will no longer be available to apply to any future invoice for this customer, even if you delete this invoice.