Select for Progress Billing fields

Below is a list of all fields on the Select for Progress Billing window. All columns can be moved and sized by dragging and dropping.

Note: Negative percentages and amounts will display in red text for enabled fields.

Header Fields

Invoice Date: This will be the date of the invoices that are generated through this routine. The default value is the As of date selected in the Select for Progress Billing - Filter Selection window.

Note: Changing this date does not affect the data in the grid.

Line Items Grid

Warning! The data on the grid for all tabs is date sensitive and the information in the fields will vary depending on the As of date selected during the filter selection routine. Data for billings that occurred on a date AFTER the As of date will not appear in the grid.

Percent of Contract/Completion tab

Note: Some of the fields on this grid may be viewed by using the scroll bar at the bottom of the grid.

Percent of Proposal tab

This tab will be available if you selected Percent of Proposal and you have accepted, open proposals in your system. From this tab, you can select which proposals you will bill and the amounts to bill. Billed proposals will be editable as sales invoices in the Sales Invoicing window and line items will appear on the Apply to Proposals tab.

One invoice will be created per proposal.

Release Retainage tab

This tab will be available if you have selected the Release Retainage check box on the Progress Billing for Jobs - Filter Selection window and if there are existing jobs with positive amounts of retainage withheld. It will display one row per job.

Retainage amounts released on this window will be editable as sales invoices on the Sales Invoicing window and released amounts will appear on the Apply to Sales tab. Sales tax will not be calculated on released retainage.

Note: This tab is not available if you are using the Cash Basis accounting method.

Lower Fields

Note: Released Retainage is invoiced separately.