Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.

Create a New or Edit an Existing Revision (Overview)

The Create a New Revision or Edit an Existing Revision window is where you enter your actual changes to the bill of materials. The window that appears depends upon whether you selected the New or Edit button in the Revisions window. If you selected the New button, the Create a New Revision window appears. If you selected the Edit button, the Edit an Existing Revision window appears.

From this window, you can add and delete items, move items up or down on the component list, and change the quantity needed. While you have a great deal of flexibility in what you can change, it is important to remember that revisions should only be used to make minor changes to the bill of materials.

Revisions are identified by a revision number. Each time you enter a revision, a number is assigned to the revision and listed in the window. For reports that list the bill of materials, the corresponding revision number will also be listed on the report.This will help you keep track of which items should be included in the bill of materials.

Two other very important parts of a revision are the Effective Date and the Note. The effective date is important because it determines when a revision will be used by Sage 50 to build or unbuild assemblies. Likewise, a note helps you identify the purpose of a revision. That way when you see the revision in the list, you will know why the revision was entered. If a note is not entered, Sage 50 will automatically insert a generic note listing the date, time, and the Sage 50 user who entered the revision.