Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.

Close a Work Ticket

When a work ticket is closed, an assembly build record is automatically created behind the scenes. Because the assembly build record is automatically created, you won't have to build the assembly in the Build/Unbuild Assemblies window. To close a work ticket, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Tasks menu, select Work Tickets. The Work Tickets window appears.
  2. Click the Open button and select the ticket that you want to close and click OK. The selected work ticket information appears in the Work Ticket window.
  3. To close this work ticket, select the Close Ticket checkbox.
  4. After you close the work ticket, the ticket will be given a status of Closed.

  5. After you have finished, select Save.

When you save a closed work ticket, an assembly build record is automatically created behind the scenes.