Change the Bill of Materials for an Assembly Item

Once you set up an assembly item and have entered transactions that use the assembly item, you will not be able to change the Bill of Materials for that assembly item. The relationship between an assembly item and its components must be maintained by the system so that if you add, edit, or delete transactions for a component of that assembly item, then the assembly item can be properly reposted and maintained.

Although you cannot change the Bill of Materials for an assembly item, you can create a new assembly item and copy the Bill of Materials from the original assembly item. To copy the Bill of Materials for an assembly item, you need to:

  1. Click the Inventory Items navigation aid on the Inventory & Services Navigation Center and select View and Edit Inventory Items.
  2. Select the original assembly item and click Open.
  3. Select the Bill of Materials tab.
  4. Type in the ID you want to use for the new assembly item. The program may ask you if you want to save the record first. Select No.
  5. Click Save. Now the new assembly item will contain the same Bill of Materials as the original item, but you will be able to edit and make changes to the new bill of materials.
  6. After making the necessary changes, save the new record again.