Deposit Fields (QuickBooks Conversion)

The following table outlines which QuickBooks data items are converted to Sage 50 and which are not.

QuickBooks Field

Sage 50 Field


Deposit Ticket ID

For duplicate IDs, Sage 50 will remove the slash marks found in the date and append numbers to the end.

Deposit To

Account ID*


Not converted


Not converted


Deposit Ticket Date


Not converted

Received From

Received From

From Account

Not converted


Not converted

Chk No.

Check/Ref No.

Pmt Meth.

Payment Method




Converted from the original transaction date

Deposit Checkbox

Deposit Subtotal

Not converted. Subtotal on screen with selected transaction

Cash back goes to (GL Acct)

Sage 50 does not offer a cash back option. Any cash back for a deposit in QuickBooks will be converted as a General Journal Entry in Sage 50 with a credit to the undeposited funds account for the amount entered and a debit to the cash account selected for the same amount. The Journal Entry in Sage 50 will be given a reference number of CB<date>. Duplicate entries will be appended with a two-digit number.

Cash back memo

See above

Cash back amount

See above

Deposit Total

Total Deposit

*The ID in Sage 50 will not necessarily match the ID in QuickBooks. QuickBooks allows you to use Undeposited Funds as a default account for Receipts, while Sage 50 uses the Cash account. When a deposit is made in QuickBooks, amounts go from Undeposited Funds to the correct cash account. The Sage 50 conversion brings over the Receipt into Sage 50 with a Cash account of Undeposited Funds. To get the general ledger in balance during the conversion, a general journal entry is made to move the amount from Undeposited Funds to the appropriate cash account.