Vacation and Sick Time (Maintain Employees/Sales Reps)
On the Vacation/Sick Time tab, you can enter custom information about this employee. If you have completed the Payroll Setup Wizard, then you have established default or standard information for vacation and sick time for your employees. On the Vacation/Sick Time tab, enter and track any information that may differ from those defaults for specific employees.
To customize information for this employee, first clear the box that says This employee uses the company default settings... That gives you access to the other fields on this window. (You have to do this for both vacation and sick-time settings.)
Enter the number of vacation or sick hours the employee receives per year or pay period. Click the down arrow beside the time box to select either pay period or year.
You can set vacation or sick time to a specific amount of hours beginning at the start of your calendar year or as a number of hours that accumulates per pay period.
If you have a cap on vacation or sick hours, enter it here. Leave it blank if you don't have a cap.
Click this link to see the payroll formulas that are used to track vacation or sick time.
It is possible that you might need to tweak the way these formulas work, based on the customized information you enter for this employee. For example, if you had set a specific number of hours for vacation.
Note: If you do not see the Current Formulas link, you need to either subscribe to Sage Business Care plan.