General (Employee Defaults)

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Employee Fields

Company Fields

Review Ratings(Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)

Employment Status(Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher)

To set up basic default information for your employees, including custom field names and how employee names display in lists.

Custom Fields

Here, you create the labels for custom fields. The actual data is then entered on each employee record (through Maintain Employees).

Custom fields lets you record and track any information that you need about employees that is not already in Sage 50. For example, say you create a custom field called Education in employee defaults. In Maintain Employees, you would enter the actual education level for each employee (College degree, for example).

Other examples of information you might want to track with custom fields:

Display Employee Name With...

You can select whether to sort employees alphabetically by first name or last name in lookup lists and on reports. So, for example, when you're searching for an employee when creating a paycheck or a W-2 form, the lookup list will be ordered by last name or first name.

Note: This affects the Name column, which is the second column from the left in lists; it does not affect the ID column.