
Use this window to add, view, print, rename, or delete attachments to a record or transaction in Sage 50. These attachments can be Word files, Excel files, PDFs, photographs, and so on.

You can add attachments to the following record types or transaction types: customers, vendors, employees, inventory items, jobs, change orders, budgets, quotes, sales order, sales invoices, payments, receipts, purchase orders, purchases/receive inventory, payroll, Cash Flow Manager, time tickets, and expense tickets.

When you are adding an attachment to a record or transaction, you must save the record or transaction before you can add an attachment. Sage 50 can only add attachments to records or transactions that it recognizes as in the system. An unsaved record or transaction is not considered to be in the system yet.

When you open the window, you will see a list of existing attachments.

You can: