Manage Bank Rules

In the Manage Bank Rules screen, you can edit, copy, or delete bank rules1. You can also change the priority of bank rules.

Note: By clicking New Rule, you can also open the Create a Bank Rule window.

To edit a bank rule

  1. In the Manage Bank Rules window, open the Action column beside the rule you want to modify.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Make any changes.
  4. Click Save.

To copy a bank rule

  1. In the Manage Bank Rules window, open the Action column beside the rule you want to copy.
  2. Select Copy. The Create a Bank Rule window opens with all the bank rule information already in the fields. In the name field, Sage 50 appends "copy" to the rule name.
  3. Update the rule name.
  4. Make any other changes.
  5. Click Create.

To delete a bank rule

  1. In the Manage Bank Rules window, open the Action column beside the rule you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Click Yes when prompted.