Modify the Transactions by Account Report

To modify the Transactions by Account report:

  1. In the Home window, open the Report Centre. Select Financials and then Transactions by Account. Click Modify this report.
  2. (Optional) Select the Template you want to use for the report.
  3. Select a fiscal year: Next, Current, or Previous. Available only if you have more than one year of data.
  4. Note: To process transactions in the next fiscal year, ensure you have turned on the options Allow transactions in the future and Allow General Journal and payroll transactions for the next fiscal year or calendar year within the System settings for your company. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)

  5. If you have set up a foreign currency, select a Show accounts with option:
    • Balances in Home Currency shows all foreign transactions in the home currency.
    • Balances in Home and Foreign Currencies shows all foreign transactions in both the foreign currency and home currency.
    • Balances in the Currency of Each Account shows all transactions in their designated currency.
  6. Enter Start and Finish dates for the report.
  7. (Optional) Select Include inactive accounts.
  8. Select the account(s) you want to include in the report. Click Select All to report on all listed accounts.
  9. (Optional) Select Corrections.
  10. (Optional) If you turned on departments, click Departments. Click Select Departments.

    Note: Consolidated companies do not recognize departments. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)

  11. (Optional) If you are working with a consolidated company, select  Parent and subsidiary companies. Click Select Companies. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)
  12. Select how you want to sort the report: Transaction number or Date.
  13. If you are working with a consolidated company, the results will be sorted by company and then by the selected Sort option. (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)

  14. Select the type of comment to include with General Journal entries: Transaction or Line.
  15. (Optional) Customize the:
  16. Click OK to display the report.
  17. (Optional) Save the report as a template in My Reports.