Price Lists

A price list is a convenient way to manage discounts or markups of the inventory and service items you sell to your customers. If your business offers a variety of prices for the same items or services for different sales situations, you can create a price list to identify each of those situations. For example:

  • A retail flower business may want to offer different prices for bouquets for one-time and repeat customers. You can set up a price list for each type of customer: Gold (which sets prices at a 20% discount, Silver (which sets prices at a 15% discount), Bronze (a 10% discount), and Regular (no discount).
  • An automotive repair company may want to offer bodywork services at the regular price, and at a discounted price for discount card holders, or a combo price when purchased in conjunction with another service.

Sage 50 Accounting automatically sets up three price lists for you: regular, preferred, and Web pricing. Each item or service record contains fields which allow you to enter a price for each of these preset price lists, if you want to use them.

Use the price list window to change only the prices for the items that you discount for that specific customer. Then, in the customer record, assign the appropriate price list to each customer.

Note:  You cannot use this feature with one-time customers because a price list is linked to a customer record.

Creating multiple price lists (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)

Except for the default price lists, Sage 50 Accounting gives you the option to add, change, or remove additional price lists. You can also easily change the prices of several items on a price list (for example, increasing the price of all items by 5%.)

Note: You can have up to 100 price lists in Sage 50 Premium Accounting, and up to 1000 in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting.