Available in Enhanced View

List Panes

Located in the upper-right corner of the Home window, the List pane conveniently displays the records that are used in a module and shows key information about each record. By default, values for records in the List pane are based on the latest transaction date. If you want to display values as of the last session date, you can turn on the option in the User Preferences window. Whenever you change your session date, the information in the List pane is automatically updated.

Note: Record and icon windows for customers and vendors are based on the latest transaction date for the whole record group. Record and icon windows for employees are based on the date an employee was last paid. As a result, these record and icon windows may have different values than the List pane if you have turned on the session date option. Otherwise the values will be the same in the record and icon windows and List pane since they are both based on the latest transaction date.

In a multi-user environment, the List pane has an additional Refresh button Refresh icon to get the latest company information whenever you need it.

Which records does each module contain?

Modules and their associated records
This module: Contains these records:
Customers & Sales Customers
Vendors & Purchase Vendors
Inventory & Services Inventory
Employees & Payroll Employees
Projects Projects
Banking Accounts
Company -

Can I change the List pane or its contents?

You can:

  • Show or hide any column in the list, except the primary name or description by which records are identified.
  • Sort the records by any column in ascending or descending order, simply by clicking a column heading.
  • Make columns wider or narrower, by dragging the lines between column headings when the pointer becomes a horizontal arrow resize icon.
  • Show more records in the List pane by minimizing the Reports pane.

Can I perform any tasks directly from the List pane?

Depending on the security access rights you have been given, you can:

  • Click an item in the List pane to open the complete record in which you can make changes.
  • Right-click an item to open a Shortcut menu, which provides you with a list of commonly used functions, such as creating a transaction with or generating a report for the selected record.