Remit Tax
To remit taxes (GST, HST, or QST) to the provincial or federal government:

Create a vendor record for the government department to which you remit taxes.
Note: On the Taxes tab, be sure to set the Tax Exempt status of each tax to Yes.

- In the Home window, on the Reports menu, choose Financials > Transactions by Account.
- In the Report on Fiscal Year box, select the fiscal year in which you are reporting.
- Enter a start and finish date if different from the dates displayed. These dates should reflect your remitting period.
- In the Select Accounts box, select the sales tax accounts. For example with GST/HST, you would select GST/HST Charged on Sales, GST/HST Paid on Purchases, and GST/HST Adjustments.
- Select Corrections if you want them to appear on the report.
- Click OK.
- In the Transactions by Account report,
- Under <sales tax> Paid on Purchases, note the final number at the end of the Balance column. This is the total sales taxes paid.
- Under <sales tax> Charged on Sales, note the final number at the end of the Balance column. This is the amount of total sales tax charged.
Note: You can also print this report for your records.

- Open the Payments window to record a payment.
- In the Home window, click Vendors & Purchases on the navigation pane.
- In the Tasks pane, right-click the Payments icon and select Pay Expenses from the menu.
- Select the payment method.
- From the list in the Pay To the Order Of box, select the federal or provincial government agency that collects your tax payment.
- Enter a transaction date if different from the one displayed.
- Enter the amount of sales tax collected:
- In the Account column, click the list
- Make sure All Accounts is selected, and select the <sales tax> Charged On Sales account, and click Select.
- In the Description column, enter the name of the tax that you are collecting.
- In the Amount column, enter the amount of total sales tax charged.
- Enter the amount of sales tax paid:
- In the Account
column, click the list
- Make sure All Accounts is selected, and select the <sales tax> Paid On Purchases account, and click Select.
- In the Description column, enter the name of the tax that you are collecting.
- In the Amount column, enter the amount of total sales tax charged as a negative number.
- Enter the amounts and accounts numbers for the remaining sales tax accounts, if you have any.
- (Optional) To print a cheque, on the File menu, choose Print, or click the Print button on the toolbar.
- Click Process.
Select the bank account where the payment is taken from.
Select the bank account where the payment is taken from. Enter a cheque number if different from the one displayed.
Select a credit card.