Credit Card Information Window
Use this window to edit a customer's credit card details, get authorization for a credit card payment or refund, and print a credit card authorization receipt.
Note: If you are in Lookup mode, you cannot perform these tasks because the credit card information cannot be altered in any way. However, you are still able to print the credit card authorization receipt.

- Make sure you have a plan that allows for processing credit cards.
- Obtain a merchant ID and merchant key when you open a merchant account with Paya.
- Add the credit cards that your company accepts
- Add the merchant account information to Sage 50 Accounting.
- Add a customer's credit card to the customer record.
- Attach a printer if you intend to print a credit card receipt.
Select Processing Method
- Select Open Paya Exchange to process credit card to open the Paya Exchange window where you process the credit card transaction.
- Select Manually enter authorization code if you want to enter an authorization code for the transaction.
- Select a customer's Default Credit Card if already added to the customer record.
Billing Information
The customer's contact information used in the credit card transaction is displayed in these boxes.
Merchant Account (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)
In Sage 50 Premium Accounting where you can set up more than one merchant account, select the Paya merchant account you want to use to accept the payment.
A specific merchant account and its account currency are automatically displayed when the account is connected to a payment currency in Settings.
Exchange Rate (Sage 50 Premium Accounting)
The exchange rate used to convert the payment's foreign currency (displayed in Amount) to the currency accepted by your Paya merchant account (displayed in Payment Amount). All default rates displayed are calculated or obtained from the exchange rates recorded in Sage 50 Accounting.
Status Message
The current status of the credit card transaction is displayed here. For example:
- No Credit Card Authorized. The credit card has not been authorized yet.
- Credit Card Authorized. The credit card has been successfully authorized.
- Credit Card Not Refunded. The refund you are trying to apply to the credit card has not been processed.
- Credit Card Refunded. The refund has been successfully applied to the credit card.
Adding a Credit Card in Customer Record
If the customer will frequently use this credit card for payments, click the check box Save credit card in customer record with name and then enter a name for the card. The card is then available for this customer in future credit card transactions.
Charge, Refund, Void, or Record Button
The text displayed on the button changes depending on the selected processing method and type of credit card transaction Sage 50 Accounting is able to process at that moment.
- Charge. You are able to process a sale on the credit card, or you are able to process a sale that had a refund previously applied to the credit card.
- Refund. You are able to issue a credit to the credit card holder.
- Void. You are able to remove the credit card transaction in both Sage 50 Accounting and on the Virtual Terminal.
- Record. You have selected to manually enter an authorization code.
Note: If you click OK without clicking the transaction button, the credit card transaction will not be processed.
Print Receipt
Click this button to print an authorization receipt. This button is only enabled after a credit card transaction has been authorized successfully.
Note: You will not be able to print a receipt from a past transaction after the transaction's associated merchant account has been deleted.

To print a receipt for a credit card payment or refund that was used in a transaction:
- Look up the sales transaction. Note that Sage 50 Accounting removes a sales transaction once it has been reversed.
- In the sales transaction window, click the Credit Card Details button.
- In the Credit Card Information window, click Print Receipt.