Turn On or Off Session Date for Home Window list pane
The user preference, Calculate Record Balances in Home Window Lists by Session Date, controls whether the balances in the Home Window Lists are indicated by session date or transaction date. By default, the transaction date is used.
To turn on or off the Session Date option
- In the Home window, open the Setup menu and select User Preferences.
- On the left side of the window, click Options.
- Select or clear Calculate Record Balances in Home Window Lists by Session Date and click OK.
To turn on or off the automatic refresh of balances in Home Window list panes:
The Session Date option has another option that controls whether the record balances in the Home Window Lists are refreshed automatically or not after a transaction. If you turn on Automatically Refresh Record Balances you may notice a delay on post. The length of the delay depends on the number of affected records (customer, vendor, inventory, accounts, employee, and projects).

If you process a batch of customer invoices, or are using a multi-user version of Sage 50 Accounting, you may notice a delay after transaction posting as Sage 50 Accounting recalculates inventory value and quantity on hand, account balances, and customer balances as of the current Session Date.
To improve posting speed, turn off this option.
- In the Home window on the Setup menu, choose User Preferences, then Options.
- Select or clear the Automatically Refresh Record Balances check box beneath the Session Date option.
- Click OK.
Note: If Fast Posting is turned on, the record balances in the Home Window Lists will not be automatically refreshed.
To manually refresh balances in Home Window list panes:
- In the Home window, open the page that contains the list to refresh(for example, open the Customers and Sales page to refresh all customer balances).
- Click the Refresh icon
located on the right of the list pane's titlebar.
Note: Changing the Session Date will also initiate a refresh of all Home Window list panes.