Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.
Multi-User Mode
With a multi-user licence, multiple users can work on your company data at the same time, if you have installed onto your network and you run your company in multi-user mode. The number of users that can connect to your company data at one time depends on the Sage 50 Accounting product you are using and on the number of licences you purchase. Single-user products need to be upgraded to take advantage of multi-user mode.
Note: If you are opening a shared company, you will be prompted to select a user mode. If you want to switch to a different mode while working in a shared company, you need to close the company and open it again to see the prompt.
Setting up Multiple Users
"Sysadmin" is the system administrator profile that is created when you install Sage 50 Accounting. The sysadmin profile has full accounting rights for all of the company records and is able to create, remove, or modify other users.
Before you can begin working in multi-user mode, the sysadmin user needs to:

This includes assigning passwords and security access to some or all parts of the company file. For more information, see Set Up Users.

In multi-user mode, Sage 50 Accounting automatically checks for changes made by other users when you open a record list. This check takes a little longer,but it ensures that you are always looking at the most up to date information. You can turn this option off to speed up Sage 50 Accounting. If you turn this option off, but want to refresh a list, choose Refresh Lists from the View menu in a transaction window.
Working in Multi-user Mode
When you enter transactions in multi-user mode, it is possible for inventory levels to change and for loaded transaction numbers to be used by other users. In these situations, Sage 50 Accounting prompts you to let you know which changes have occurred.
Note: If another user makes a change to your company data (such as updating the price of an item) while you are entering a transaction, this change may not be reflected in your transaction. If you know that other users are making changes to the data, it is a good idea to refresh your data before processing a transaction. If you forget to refresh, you will receive a message telling you that the transaction needs to be re-entered using the updated data.
The same user cannot be logged in to your company at more than one location.
If there are enough users performing similar tasks at the same time, it is possible that transaction messaging might slow down your productivity. You can reduce this messaging by setting Sage 50 Accounting to automatically use the next available transaction number. You can further reduce messaging on a per-user basis by turning off notifications when transaction numbers change.
Important! Some menus and options are not available in multi-user mode, even if you log on as sysadmin. To perform tasks that are not available in multi-user mode, you need to switch to single-user mode. This protects your data by preventing other users from using the data while it is being updated.
If you start Sage 50 Accounting in single-user mode at any time, other users will be locked out from the data.