Add or Remove Data Fields - Sage 50 Forms Designer
To remove data boxes from a Sage 50 Form using the Sage 50 Forms Designer:

- With the form open in the Sage 50 Forms Designer, click the Add A Data Field button on the left side of the screen. The mouse cursor changes to a cross.
- On the area of the form where you want to place the data box, click and drag the pointer across the screen to increase the size of the data box.
- From the list in the Data Field, select a data type.
- In the Text section, select the formatting, text colour, and background colour used in the data box.
- In the Border section, select where you want a line border to appear on the data box.
- If the form has multiple pages, select whether you want the data box to appear on all pages, on the final page, or on all pages but the final page.
- If the Stub Field check box is available, then you are customizing a form which contains more than one stub. If your form contains two stubs, and you want the data box to appear on both stubs, then select this check box.
- Click OK to close the window and place the data box on the form.
- If necessary, you can move the data box or resize the data box on the form.
The same data box on the multiple stubs are linked on the same form. If you move, resize, delete, or change the properties of this data box, the same action is applied to all linked boxes.

- With the form open in Sage 50 Forms Designer, click to select the data box.
- Press the Delete key, or on the Edit menu choose Remove.
- On the toolbar click Save, or on the File menu choose Save.
Note: To reset the form to the original template provided in Sage 50 Accounting, on the Edit menu choose Revert To Template. You can also undo changes by clicking the Undo button on the toolbar, or choosing Undo Changes from the Edit menu.