Available in Sage 50 Quantum Accounting and higher.
Enter or View Serial Numbers for Inventory On Hand
Follow this procedure if you need to enter serial numbers for units that were on hand when you turned on serialization for the item.

- You must have serialized inventory turned on for your company
- You must have serialization turned on for the inventory item
To enter serial numbers for inventory you have on hand:
- Open the Serial Numbers tab in the inventory item's record.
- In the Home window, click Inventory & Services on the navigation pane.
- In the Tasks pane, right-click the Inventory & Services icon and select Modify Inventory & Services from the menu.
- Select an inventory or service item from the list and click OK.
- Click the Serial Numbers tab.
- Click View or Edit Serial Numbers.
- Enter a Serial Number for each unit, or click Create Number to use the serial number generator. You can also copy and paste, or scan serial numbers to add them to your company data.
- Click OK.
- Click Save and Close.