Aged Overdue Purchase Invoices Report

This report is called Aged Overdue Payables if Sage 50 Accounting is set to use accounting terminology.


The summary report displays contact information, total, total current, total overdue, and overdue aged amounts that you owe to the selected vendors.


The Aged Overdue Purchase Invoices detail report lists the overdue and currently due invoices for all or selected vendors for each aging period. The detail report contains each vendor's contact information and their invoices are listed by due date.

The aging begins at the date you specify in the Age As Of box. You can change the length of the aging periods in your settings.

Note: If you use a foreign currency, any foreign payments reported in the home currency contain realized exchange gains and losses. The payment amount is equal to the payment in the foreign currency multiplied by the payment exchange rate plus the realized exchange gain or loss.

To view this report, open the Report Centre in the Home window, select Vendors & Purchases, and then the aged overdue purchases report by name. Click Create.