Available in Sage 50 Premium Accounting and higher.

Forecast Reports

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Modify a Forecast report

Forecasting allows you make predictions about future revenue and cash flow, and to assess "what if" scenarios to help you make better decisions for your business. The forecast shows you projections month-by-month over a period that you can specify.

When you display this report, Sage 50 Accounting calculates a Current Trend % and displays this for you in a table with the Projected Trend %. Sage 50 Accounting uses a simple moving average model for its forecast which gives good results over short-ranges.

You can change the Projected Trend % values (by default, they're the same as the Current Trend %) if you anticipate changes that Sage 50 Accounting cannot account for. For example, an increase in the price of gas will affect your Cost of Goods Sold, so you should increase the projection for these accounts.

Summary Report

The summary report, provides total monthly forecasts for the following types of accounts:

  • Revenues
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Expenses
  • Payroll
  • General & Administration
  • Other Revenues
  • Gains
  • Other Expenses
  • Loss

Detail Report

The detail report provides monthly forecasts for the same account types as the summary report, but it also shows you the forecasts for the individual accounts belonging to each type.

To view this report, open the Report Centre in the Home window, select Forecast & Analysis, and then the forecast report by name. Click Display.