Available in Sage 50 Accountant Edition.

Working with Client Data

Opening Existing Client Data

When you open client data in Sage 50 Accountant Edition, Sage 50 Accounting detects which edition of Sage 50 Accounting  your client uses. Only features available in that edition and the Sage 50 Accountant Edition are available once you open the data. If a client has not upgraded to the same version of Sage 50 Accounting that you are using, you must upgrade their data to the current version before you can open it.

Upgrading Existing Client Data

To upgrade a client's data so that it is compatible with your version of Sage 50 Accounting, follow the steps in the Upgrade Company Wizard that appears when you open older client data in the Select a Company window.

If your client upgrades their copy of Sage 50 Accounting at a later date, you can upgrade their data by opening the Accountant Edition menu in the Home window and selecting Upgrade Company.

Creating New Client Data

You can create data for your clients for any edition of Sage 50 Accounting (for example, Sage 50 Premium Accounting, or Sage 50 Quantum Accounting). When you create the data, make sure that you specify the edition for which your client has a licence or licences.